
27 March 2017 – Magical Praxis: Binding Spells

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Magical Praxis: Binding Spells. ©Oracle Of Los Angeles, 2017.

There are countless reasons you might need a Binding Spell: You have a meeting with your agent and you’re worried he’s going to drop you Your ex keeps texting you Bi Polar comments ranging from abuse, to declarations of love, to inquiries about the health of your cat Your co-worker consistently undermines you at meetings […]


24 March 2017 – Occult Performance in San Diego

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Blessed Be: A Night of Occult Performances at San Diego Art Institute

Blessed Be: A Night of Occult Performances Celebrating occult performance and programming throughout the year focused on the occult, mysticism, and the unknown, San Diego Art Institute will once again put the “cult” in “culture”. This event will feature new performances by Amanda Yates Garcia (The Oracle of Los Angeles), Molly Jo Shea, and Angela […]


Spell For Full Moon in Virgo

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Spell For Full Moon in Virgo, ©OracleofLosAngeles, March 13 2017.

Let me tell you about this kick ass, manifesting our dreams, Full Moon in Virgo spell I just did with Francesca Lia Block. Full moons mean power is ripe, so you have to seize all the moony fruit and suck the juice all the way down to the seeds. Virgo: all about rigor, setting plans […]