About the Oracle

Finding Your Voice

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Finding Your Voice, ©OracleofLosAngeles, April 2 2017.

For me, a major part of the process of becoming a witch has been about recognizing the worthiness of my own voice and experience. I’ve always admired people with conviction, people who trust their stories are worth telling. Sometimes when out in public, someone will ask me a question about magic and my mind will […]


Vote Yes For Womxn

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Vote Yes For Womxn, ©OracleofLosAngeles, March 2017.

Have you ever noticed how basically everything womxn like is cool? Go to a dance class… mostly womxn. Yoga? Womxn again. Art event? Women everywhere. Wanna save the world? Protect homeless people? Learn about permaculture? Hope you like womxn because they will BE THERE. Women created the Kenyan village of Umoja in 1990 because they […]