
9/25/17 Magical Praxis: Holding Coins (Tarot Workshop)

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©Oracle of Los Angeles, 2017. Magical Praxis, Holding Coins flier.

In tarot, the suit of coins or pentacles describes the process of making. Making money. Making food. Making art. Making babies. Making a home. By studying the suit of coins, we can learn how to sustain and nourish ourselves, how to bring a project to fruition, and how to find healthy ways to grow. Come […]


Daily Oracle

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Wildlife experts call the Mountain Lion the perfect predator. Their territory spans hundreds of miles, they can kill their prey in an instant with a swift crunch on the back of the neck. Recently, a mountain lion named P-22 has achieved celebrity status as he prowls through Los Angeles’ Griffith Park and is occasionally caught […]


24 March 2017 – Occult Performance in San Diego

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Blessed Be: A Night of Occult Performances at San Diego Art Institute

Blessed Be: A Night of Occult Performances Celebrating occult performance and programming throughout the year focused on the occult, mysticism, and the unknown, San Diego Art Institute will once again put the “cult” in “culture”. This event will feature new performances by Amanda Yates Garcia (The Oracle of Los Angeles), Molly Jo Shea, and Angela […]