
XVI The Tower: Tarot Wisdom for Your Crisis

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  More than just telling your fortune, the tarot shows how universal principles work in the material world.   Whenever you experience a crisis, you can be sure the archetypal energy of Major Arcana XVI — The Tower is at work in your life. The good news is, once you acknowledge it you can use some tarot wisdom, […]


Use Hero Magic To Boost Your Confidence

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“For many creative people, one of our biggest bugbears is a lack of confidence. Feeling like we’re not good enough, not talented enough, not well connected enough, or too poor. The spirit of self-doubt seduces us away from focused creative time, leading us to hours wasted on Facebook and dropping us in a cesspool of self-loathing. Luckily, in magic, achieving your will depends less on your belief in yourself than in your behavior.”


On All Fours: Tarot and The Wisdom of the 4

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“If the four does not commit itself to action, it will gradually petrify.” — A. Jodorowsky and M. Costa If you’re looking for more stability, four is the number you want to call. Likewise, if you’re trying to break out of a rut, or over throw an oppressive power, four is the essence you’ll need […]


Get Pregnant On Beltane!

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Legend has it that the celebratory rites of Beltane, an ancient Gaelic holiday usually celebrated on May 1, involved orgies in the woods and fields. Imagine the aboriginal Celts in blue paint, grasping whatever warm body streaked past, consecrating the soil with their ecstatic juices. (And we thought California knew how to party!) More conservative historians […]


Jodorowsky – On How To Read the Tarot

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“By learning, among many other things, to concentrate our attention, to control our thoughts, our desires, and emotions during the reading; to vanquish our laziness, always to finish what we start, not to get upset if the individual for whom we are reading refuses to grasp Consciousness, to do what we are doing the best […]