
Claim Confidence

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Claim Confidence, ©OracleofLosAngeles, July 13 2017.

So many of our most painful obstacles have to do with our confidence level: — Writer’s Block (lack of confidence that you have anything valuable to say) — Intimacy Issues (lack of confidence that you’ll be understood or chosen) — Money Issues (lack of confidence that you can or deserve to be able to support […]


Hey Jealousy! — Oracle Appears in The Millions

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Mary Lowry

Morrissey wasn’t wrong when he said, “We hate it when our friends become successful.” I don’t think there’s a creative person alive who hasn’t felt that pang when one of their friends lands some big show, or some grant, or some great publishing deal. Jealousy double hurts because a) you want something you don’t have, […]


Workshop: Writing Is Magic – May 13, 2017

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Writing Is Magic. Workshop flier. ©Oracle of Los Angeles 2017.

Many artists create themselves. We are born middle class, or broke. We don’t choose our nationality, our gender or our race. Even though I’m sure many folks I know would consider me New Age, I don’t believe we choose our parents in some pre-birth akashic social contract. We get dropped into life from the mysterious […]

About the Oracle

Finding Your Voice

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Finding Your Voice, ©OracleofLosAngeles, April 2 2017.

For me, a major part of the process of becoming a witch has been about recognizing the worthiness of my own voice and experience. I’ve always admired people with conviction, people who trust their stories are worth telling. Sometimes when out in public, someone will ask me a question about magic and my mind will […]


24 March 2017 – Occult Performance in San Diego

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Blessed Be: A Night of Occult Performances at San Diego Art Institute

Blessed Be: A Night of Occult Performances Celebrating occult performance and programming throughout the year focused on the occult, mysticism, and the unknown, San Diego Art Institute will once again put the “cult” in “culture”. This event will feature new performances by Amanda Yates Garcia (The Oracle of Los Angeles), Molly Jo Shea, and Angela […]


2/27/17 Magical Praxis: Crystal Kink

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Citrine Crystal

  Crystals find you when you’re ready. In my case, like every good witch, I liked crystals. In New Age shops, I flirted with translucent milky green calcite, made of the same stuff as mollusks. I’d fondle aragonite, fingering its russet star clusters and then coyly walk away. But there comes a point in every […]