
1/6/18 Tarot Workshop At Light On Lotus

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©2018 Oracle Of Los Angeles. Flyer For Tarot Workshop At Light On Lotus Yoga Studio

Tarot showed me the way forward when I wanted to leave my shit jobs, find a way to heal from my divorce, find love, support myself doing what I love, and develop my relationship with the Mystery Traditions. It can do this for you too. Come learn the basics of this centuries old  method for […]


New Moon In Scorpio

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New Moon In Scorpio, Artist Unknown, Nov 2016

Scorpio is a fixed water sign. The water element is all about passion, emotion, SOUL. It’s the energy that moves in us. That clears away the debris. That rocks us to sleep. That blesses us. And because the energy of Scorpio is fearless, because it is dauntless, because it gives the deepest of all f**ks […]


9/25/17 Magical Praxis: Holding Coins (Tarot Workshop)

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©Oracle of Los Angeles, 2017. Magical Praxis, Holding Coins flier.

In tarot, the suit of coins or pentacles describes the process of making. Making money. Making food. Making art. Making babies. Making a home. By studying the suit of coins, we can learn how to sustain and nourish ourselves, how to bring a project to fruition, and how to find healthy ways to grow. Come […]


Mercury In Virgo

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Mercury In Virgo, ©OracleofLosAngeles, Sept 2017

Mercury is now direct and has returned to their Virgo homeland as of the 9th of September. I say their because our beloved Mercury is gender non-binary. Mercury likes being where the action is. Because of their tight orbit, Mercury is never more than one sign away from the Sun in either direction. For a […]


Mercury Direct

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Mercury Direct, Image by NASA, September 2017.

Mercury goes direct today. Phew! Finally. Mercury is the energy of the in between spaces. The passageways. The connecting valves. The communication and nervous systems. When Mercury is retrograde, those in between spaces might feel vast, as as Mercury moves direct we have an opportunity to bridge the gaps. Look back over the past three […]


Message From My Leo Moon

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Message From My Leo Moon, artist unknown, August 1 2017.

So often we aim for perfection, thinking that anything less will make our efforts unacceptable. We slave away under a barrage of self-criticism thinking if we do otherwise people will see what we’ve created and be like, “Pass.” But that’s not true. Heart is what’s gripping. To make something riveting it needs to be real […]


Philosophies of Divination

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Philosophies of Divination, image by Irving Block, July 27 2018.

I developed one of my main philosophies about divination and magic as a museum educator. At MOCA, we didn’t try to tell museum visitors what the art meant; we tried to help them have a richer experience of looking at the work. As an oracle, I have a similar intention. When I perform a divination, […]

About the Oracle

Overcoming Trauma

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Overcoming Trauma, ©OracleofLosAngeles, July 2017.

I had severe asthma as a child , so bad my lips would turn blue and you could see my heart beating through my purple unicorn shirt from across the room. Sometimes I’d have to go to the hospital and be hooked up to an oxygen tank. The asthma found it’s way into my body […]