
Message From My Leo Moon

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Message From My Leo Moon, artist unknown, August 1 2017.

So often we aim for perfection, thinking that anything less will make our efforts unacceptable. We slave away under a barrage of self-criticism thinking if we do otherwise people will see what we’ve created and be like, “Pass.” But that’s not true. Heart is what’s gripping. To make something riveting it needs to be real […]


Philosophies of Divination

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Philosophies of Divination, image by Irving Block, July 27 2018.

I developed one of my main philosophies about divination and magic as a museum educator. At MOCA, we didn’t try to tell museum visitors what the art meant; we tried to help them have a richer experience of looking at the work. As an oracle, I have a similar intention. When I perform a divination, […]


Full Moon in Capricorn

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Full Moon In Capricorn, ©OracleofLosAngeles, July 10 2017.

Yesterday I wrote a bit about how the Full Moon in Capricorn provides us with an opportunity to overcome bad/stressed/frustrated feelings in order to accomplish our goals. As with all divination, the Capricorn Moon is less about what is GOING to happen to you and more about creating opportunities for you to notice and work […]


Venus Enters Gemini

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Venus Enters Gemini. ©OracleofLosAngeles, June2017.

Venus enters Gemini today, and I’ve been thinking about how to communicate effectively. Lately I’ve been wanting to reach out. To say what I really mean. To create true intimacy with people. My obstacle is that I worry intimacy will create obligations I won’t want to or can’t fulfill. Everybody has vulnerabilities, and when you […]


Simple Spells: Full Moon in Gemini

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Simple Spells for the Full Moon in Gemini.

  Use the juice of today’s Full Moon to communicate the big idea you were conceiving on the New Moon last month. Let me break it down for you… On November 28th, the moon was new and passing through Sagittarius the Archer’s fiery blaze. The energy of the New Moon helps us set intentions, which […]