
24 March 2017 – Occult Performance in San Diego

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Blessed Be: A Night of Occult Performances at San Diego Art Institute

Blessed Be: A Night of Occult Performances Celebrating occult performance and programming throughout the year focused on the occult, mysticism, and the unknown, San Diego Art Institute will once again put the “cult” in “culture”. This event will feature new performances by Amanda Yates Garcia (The Oracle of Los Angeles), Molly Jo Shea, and Angela […]


2/27/17 Magical Praxis: Crystal Kink

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Citrine Crystal

  Crystals find you when you’re ready. In my case, like every good witch, I liked crystals. In New Age shops, I flirted with translucent milky green calcite, made of the same stuff as mollusks. I’d fondle aragonite, fingering its russet star clusters and then coyly walk away. But there comes a point in every […]


6 February 2017 – Shamanic Trance Breathwork

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2/6/17 Shamanic Trance Breathwork Flier

Experience a connection with your authentic, unmediated self through Shamanic Trance Breathwork. By participating in the ceremony, you can: Release tension and trauma you’re holding in your body Clear stuck energy and outdated patterns Overcome creative and psychological blocks Increase energy, clarity and relaxation Trigger the hypothalamus gland to release endorphins, creating a sense of […]


8 January 2017 – Oracle Hour with guest Karen Tate

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Karen Tate Promo

Check out the most recent Oracle Hour with special guest, priestess and scholar Karen Tate. Listen to the show here. Rev. Dr. Karen Tate – author, teacher, speaker, radio show host and social justice activist was named one of the 13 most influential women in Goddess Spirituality and is the author of over 4 books […]


Tarot for 2017: X Wheel of Fortune

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Wheel of Fortune

Tarot for 2017 – X Wheel Of Fortune Was it fate that Donald Trump was elected president? Some of my friends say that if he hadn’t been elected people wouldn’t be nearly as galvanized as they are now. Maybe horrors like Trump appear to wake us up and shake us out of our complacency. Some […]


The Oracle is Live on the OtherPpl Podcast with Brad Listi

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OtherPpl Screen Shot

What do writers and witches have in common? They both appear on the OtherPpl Podcast with Brad Listi. Tune in to the recent episode wherein Brad and I discussed: how one becomes a witch, magical techniques to get that book deal, the best place to spot fairies, what’s wrong with the porn industry and what […]


Simple Spells: Full Moon in Gemini

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Simple Spells for the Full Moon in Gemini.

  Use the juice of today’s Full Moon to communicate the big idea you were conceiving on the New Moon last month. Let me break it down for you… On November 28th, the moon was new and passing through Sagittarius the Archer’s fiery blaze. The energy of the New Moon helps us set intentions, which […]