
Magical Praxis Mystery School

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Like all good education should, the Magical Praxis workshops build upon your own pre-existing fields of knowledge so you can utilize your discoveries, connect them to other important areas in your life, and apply new skills to solve your most pressing problems.


Use Hero Magic To Boost Your Confidence

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“For many creative people, one of our biggest bugbears is a lack of confidence. Feeling like we’re not good enough, not talented enough, not well connected enough, or too poor. The spirit of self-doubt seduces us away from focused creative time, leading us to hours wasted on Facebook and dropping us in a cesspool of self-loathing. Luckily, in magic, achieving your will depends less on your belief in yourself than in your behavior.”


Get Pregnant On Beltane!

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Legend has it that the celebratory rites of Beltane, an ancientĀ Gaelic holiday usually celebrated on May 1, involved orgies in the woods and fields. Imagine the aboriginal Celts in blue paint, grasping whatever warm body streaked past, consecrating the soil with their ecstatic juices. (And we thought California knew how to party!) More conservative historians […]


Magic Manifesto

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The word magic in English comes from the Greek mageia, where it was used to refer to foreigners from the east, spell casting priests from Babylon. From the very beginning of its contemporary roots, magic was used to refer to the weird and unsettling practices of outsiders.