
Workshop Flier

4/29/2018 – Workshop: Rituals, Spells and Ceremonies

Come to my Rituals, Spells and Ceremonies workshop! Ritual and ceremony can help us feel grounded, focus our energy, effect ...
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©2018 Oracle Of Los Angeles. Flyer For Tarot Workshop At Light On Lotus Yoga Studio

1/6/18 Tarot Workshop At Light On Lotus

Tarot showed me the way forward when I wanted to leave my shit jobs, find a way to heal from ...
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Crystal ball photo by Yeshi Kangrang

The Oracle is on The Rising (podcast) – “Season of the Witch”

What is witchcraft? Why is it so popular rn? What’s the relationship between witchcraft and activism? We discussed all this ...
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New Moon In Scorpio, Artist Unknown, Nov 2016

New Moon In Scorpio

Scorpio is a fixed water sign. The water element is all about passion, emotion, SOUL. It’s the energy that moves ...
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Unexpected Beauty

Unexpected Beauty

“Let your hook always be cast; in the pool where you least expect it, there will be a fish.” I ...
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Cleansing Bath, Artwork by @kitchart on Instagram, “Beathing Underwater”, October 2017.

Cleansing Bath

SAFE SPACE CLEANSING BATH Call in your spirits and your guardians. Light candles (white for clearing, green for heart mending, ...
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Mercury Enters Scorpio, Art by @alia_pop, October 2017.

Mercury Enters Scorpio

Mercury, our gender bendy planet of communication and healing soon enters the sign of Scorpio: interstellar keeper of secrets, devourer ...
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Adoration of Venus, event flier. ©Oracle Of Los Angeles, 2017.

9/30/17 Adoration of Venus Ceremonial Workshop

Dear Ones,    Please join astrologer Stuart Krimko and I this Saturday afternoon for a Ceremonial Workshop on behalf of ...
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©Oracle of Los Angeles, 2017. Magical Praxis, Holding Coins flier.

9/25/17 Magical Praxis: Holding Coins (Tarot Workshop)

In tarot, the suit of coins or pentacles describes the process of making. Making money. Making food. Making art. Making ...
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Image by Antigonaart. "Sirius", 2017.

A Cure for Despair – Simple Spell for the New Moon in Virgo

Image by Antigonaart. “Sirius”, 2017. A few days ago, I was talking to a new friend who’s super active in the world ...
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©Oracle Of Los Angeles, 2017. Ceremonial Breathwork: Finding Your Root, flier.

9/21/17 – Ceremonial Breathwork: Finding Your Root (Workshop)

Generally, I hold these Ceremonial Breathwork sessions about once per month. Each session focuses on an issue that I’ve been ...
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Mercury In Virgo, ©OracleofLosAngeles, Sept 2017

Mercury In Virgo

Mercury is now direct and has returned to their Virgo homeland as of the 9th of September. I say their ...
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Mercury Direct, Image by NASA, September 2017.

Mercury Direct

Mercury goes direct today. Phew! Finally. Mercury is the energy of the in between spaces. The passageways. The connecting valves ...
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Grounding Sessions Flier. ©Oracle Of Los Angeles, 2017.

Grounding Sessions – Special Offer for the Month of September

This month, I’m offering some very special Grounding Sessions to help you reconnect with the parts of yourself you feel ...
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Jupiter Enters Scorpio, Artwork by @for_ever_free, October 10 2017.

Jupiter Enters Scorpio

Sex, money, power, death, rebirth – Scorpio doesn’t f**k around. It’s the sign that likes to go all the way ...
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Praise Goddess Image by Edgar Fabian Frias

3 September 2017 – Oracle Hour with Special Guest Edgar Fabian Frias

Meet mutant magician Edgar Fabian Frias. We recently had a chat on the Oracle Hour, my bi-monthly radio show on KCHUNG, ...
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Eclipse In Leo, ©OracleofLosAngels, August 23 2017.

Eclipse In Leo

I’m already feeling how the eclipse blew open some of my blocks in unexpected ways. In fact, it’s helping me ...
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Major Arcana Tarot Workshop flier

8/28/17 Magical Praxis: Tarot’s Major Arcana (Divination 2 Workshop)

In Tarot, the Major Arcana cards are the 22 archetypal images that set the Tarot apart from a regular deck ...
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Creating Our Own Sacred Economies, ©OracleofLosAngeles, August 11 2017.

Creating Our Own Sacred Economies

I’m kind of embarrassed to admit this but one time when I was 17 I nearly had a nervous breakdown ...
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June Moon by Sarah Faith Gottessdiener

6 August 2017 – Oracle Hour with guest Sarah Faith Gottesdiener

On this episode of Oracle Hour I sit down for a chat with Sarah Faith Gottessdiener: rock star witch, graphic ...
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Message From My Leo Moon, artist unknown, August 1 2017.

Message From My Leo Moon

So often we aim for perfection, thinking that anything less will make our efforts unacceptable. We slave away under a ...
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Philosophies of Divination, image by Irving Block, July 27 2018.

Philosophies of Divination

I developed one of my main philosophies about divination and magic as a museum educator. At MOCA, we didn’t try ...
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Overcoming Trauma, ©OracleofLosAngeles, July 2017.

Overcoming Trauma

I had severe asthma as a child , so bad my lips would turn blue and you could see my ...
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Daily Oracle

Daily Oracle

Wildlife experts call the Mountain Lion the perfect predator. Their territory spans hundreds of miles, they can kill their prey ...
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